Atra warns about the civil liability of the testers in the workshop:

February 04 , 2022 // Specialty

Published in Info Taller

The employer warns that this "supposed guarantee" would only act with a franchise in the case of personal injury of up to €70,000,000 and €15,000,000 for material damage. "From these figures is when I would act. It only covers the 'excess' of the limits indicated in the compulsory insurance of the vehicle itself." The Autonomous Association of Employers of Vehicle Workshops of Pontevedra has warned on its website about the "guarantee of civil liability of testers" that is being offered in the insurance market is empty of content. They claim to be aware of the great problem that it can cause to the workshop, since, without going any further, one of its associates must face a compensation of 25,000 euros because the insurance company of its client repeats against him the amount of the claim paid for an accident testing a vehicle. That is why they provide information on TEMPU and insist on the importance of taking out a good insurance policy, such as the current Cetraa insurance policy. From the association they also explain that various sentences deal with the repetition of the amount paid by the client's own compulsory civil liability insurance, when workshop/dealer personnel carry out a test of it. "We hope that the associates are aware of this delicate situation with their contracted policies, as has already been commented on at the time and we continue to maintain today, 99% of these insurances in this testers guarantee would act in excess of the compulsory insurance and /or voluntary, that is, with a deductible in the case of personal injury of up to €70,000,000 and €15,000,000 for material damage.These figures are when the guarantee of testers in the insurance market policies would act, or what is the same, they only cover the "excess" of the limits indicated in the compulsory insurance of the vehicle itself," they state.


Atra alerta sobre la responsabilidad civil de los probadores en el taller:

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